Services and support

MistServer users often wonder: “If MistServer is completely free to use, how do you make money?” The answer is simple: services and support.

Remote server management and/or health monitoring

The team that has created MistServer naturally knows how to keep it running smoothly as well. We can remotely monitor your servers and/or log in to them to take actions to prevent and/or reduce downtime on your behalf.


You can consult us on matters not just about specifically MistServer, but any media related questions you may have. The fact that MistServer charges no usage or licensing fees means that we will only recommend it when it is actually the best solution, and are not afraid of recommending alternatives when your specific use case is not ideally suited for MistServer.

Custom development

Does MistServer almost do what you need, if only one particular thing was different? Missing a feature, protocol or codec? Want to do something so different from the competition that no software exists that can help you? For these and many other cases, you can get the help of the MistServer team to develop the custom solution you need. You can also choose whether the new code is immediately public for everyone, or exclusive to you for some period of time.